quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2013

Prokurador Kondena Jornalista TL Tinan 1 Kadeia, Jacinto Husu Indimizasaun


SUARA TIMOR LOROSAE - Kinta, 28 Fevereiru 2013 

DILI- Prokurador Kondena Jornalista Timor Leste nain 2, Oscar Salsinha husi Suara Timor Lorosae (STL) ho Raimundo Oki husi jornal INDEPENDENTI, inkliu mos Marcos Sufa nebe hanesan autor ba informasaun tama kadeia tinan 1 suspensaun tinan 2 nomos selu indimijasaun tuir kapasidade arguido sira nian. 

Tribunal Distritu Dili (TDD) halo julgamentu ba Jornalista nain rua ne’e bazea ba informasaun nebe mak publika iha institusaun media hanesan STL publika iha loron 31 Janeiru 2012 no Jornal Independete iha loron 2 Fevereiru 2012 relasiona ho prosesu justisa ba kazu asidente trafiku nebe hamete vitima nain 2 iha fatin akontesmentu, 1 kanek todan no mos kanek kmanan 1, iha loron 18 Setembru 2011 iha distritu Oe- Cusse. 

Julgamentu parte Dader Tribunal rona Deklarasaun husi Arguido Nain tolu mak hanesan Raimuno Oki (Jornalista Indepentente red), Oscar Salsinha (Jonalista STL red) no Marcos Sufa (Autor Informasaun Red), tama loraik tribunal Kontinua rona deklarasaun Lejadu prokurador Jacinto Barros Soeres, nebe oras ne’e halao servisu iha prokurador Distritu Maliana. 

“Iha loron 12 fulan setembru 2011 akontesemeun kazu ida iha Oecusse nebe hamate ema nain 2 iha fatin akontesementu, rua kanek maibe ida kanek todan no ida seluk kanek kaman maibe prosesu ba kazu nee’e lalao too aogra tama autor ba kazu nee’e halai tiha ona ba Indonesia,” dehan deklara Jacinto ba Tribunal Kinta (228/02) iha tribunal Distrital Dili. 

Kazu nee’e rejistu iha tribunal Distrital Dili ho Numeru Prosesu 0201/2012/PTDD, maske prokurador husu tribunal atu kondena Arguido nain tolu tama kadeia tinan 1, suspensaun tinan 2 no selu indimisaun tuir kapasidade Arguido sira nian, maibe tribunal sei halo estudu no sei le’e desijaun akordaun final ba kazu ne’e iha loron 14 Marsu tinan ne’e. Timotio Gusmão/ Lucas da Costa

Komete Krimi Burla - Pekulatu Agravadu, Prokurador Kondena Gil Alves Tinan 7 Kadeia


SUARA TIMOR LOROSAE - Kinta, 28 Fevereiru 2013 

DILI- Sekretariu Zeral Partidu Asosiasaun Sosial Demokrata Timorense (ASDT) Jil da Costa Alves ho nia Diretor Finansas Henrique Carlos, iha Pardu ASDT nebe deskonfia komete krime Burla Agravadu ho pekulatu Agravadu, tamba halakon osan partidu nian kuaze 230 mil, tan ne’e prokurador kondena tinan 7 tama kadeia ba Jil Alves no tinan ne’en ba Henrique Carlos inkliu selu resitu osan partidu nian nebe seidauk selu to’o agora. 

Tribunal Distritu Dili Kinta (28/02) rona ikus testemunia ba Kazu Partidu ASDT nian nebe deskonfia ASDT vesrasun Jil Alves halakon osan partidu nian 230 mil hodi halo aktividade partidu sein iha justifikasaun. 

Testemunia ikus ba kazu nee’e mak Sekretariu zona rejistensia no prezidente partidu ASDT versaun Jil Alves Distritu Manatuto, Francisco Soares, ba tribunal Francisco deklara katak nia parte simu osan partidu nian kuaze 5.848 komesa husi tinan 2011 too 2012. 

“Iha tinan 2011 loron 20 fulan juni hau simu osan partidu nian duni 2 mil atu halo ajustamentu ba delegadus no mos selu tusan partidu ninian nebe mak amid eve no iha loron 7 fulan agustus 2011 atu halo kongrese eksta-ordinariu iha Dili hau simu tan 1.188, total osan nebe mak hau simu husi tinan 2011-2012 hamutuk 5.848,”dehan Francisco ba Tribunal Kinta (28/02) liu husi Julgamentu. 

Hatan kona ba kongresu ASDT iha distritu Aileiu Francisco Hatene maibe nia parte la haten konvite husi ulun boot partidu nebe mak halo kongresu ne’e no rekoinese kongresu nebe mak halao iha Abril 2012. Timotio Gusmão

“PN Triste Estadu Loke Prizaun Ba Deit Ema Kiik”


Jornal Nacional Diario - Kinta-feira, 28 Fevereiru 2013 

Parlamentu Nasional (PN), liu husi deputadu Bancada FRETILIN Joaquim dos Santos no deputadu Bancada CNRT Cesar de Jesus, senti triste no preokupadu maka’as ba Estadu RDTL ne’ebe tinan hirak nia laran ona harii de’it prizaun hodi sulan deit povu kiik sira, maibe ema ne’ebe famozu oituan iha rai ida ne’e tama komarka lalais deit hasai tiha ona ho razaun oioin. 

Tuir deputadu nain rua ne’e katak, se estadu kontinua halo atetude ida nune’e iha parte justisa nian, maka imazen estadu ida ne’e bele monu iha povu nia leet nomos mundu internasional tanba injustisa hahu mosu iha nasaun kiik ida ne’e. 

Tuir deputadu Joaquim dos Santos, husi bancada FRETILIN katak, atu idela liu estadu labele halo prizaun atu halo terus deit povu kiik sira, maibe Timor oan hotu-hotu hamriik iha justisa nia oin hanesan, la distingi kiik ka boot, famozu ga la famozu, familia terus ba rai ida ne’e ka la terus. 

“Labele halo prizaun ne’e atu halo terus deit ema kiik nia oan sira de’it, ema boot sira nee la sente terus maske iha ona prizaun nia laran, ulun mak moras deit mos tenki hetan tratamentu especial, maibe povu kiik sira ne’e balun moras to’o mate iha prizaun mos ema ida la halai lori mai hospital,” Preokupa Joaquim dos santos ba Jornalista Kinta (27/2) iha PN, relasiona ho Prizioneira Lucoia Lobato ne’ebe moras pulmaun no posiblidade atu halo tratamentu saude ba rai liur. 

Joaquim hatutan, iha prizaun laiha ema boot ka ema kiik, tanba ema hotu-hotu iha lei nia okos, laos ema boot deit mak hetan previleiju husi lei ne’e no ema kiik sira sempre hoku rabat rai. 

“Kuandu ita tuir maromak nia lia fuan karik, infernu ne’e sala, hotu-hotu tenki ba inferno, pembantu ida klase nol mos ba inferno,” dehan Joaquim. 

Tanba ne’e Joquim husu ba Ministeriu Justisa tenki redefine fali ninia politika kona-ba prizioneirus sira. Iha fatin hanesan deputadu husi bancada CNRT Cesar de Jesus hateten katak, nia mos la konkorda ho desizaun ne’ebe dehan iha posiblidade haruka prizioneira Lucia Lobato ba tratamentu saude iha rai liur, tanba koalia kona ba justisa tenki tau ema barak ninia interese mos iha ne’eba. 

“Hau aban bain rua, karik tama prizaun mos hau la hili atu halo ida ne’e, maibe pronto tamba ita ema la hanesan, tanba uluk ita hatene Rogerio Lobato mos halo hanesan ne’e, hau koalia hanesan sidadaun ita haree buat ne’e injustisa boot ida,” dehan Cesar. 

Nia haktuir, ida ne’e akontese tanba ema harii fali husi eis titulares tanba lei ida ne’e iha tiha ona.

“Horta Aprezenta Ideia Rezolve Krizi Guine-Bissau”


Jornal Timor Post - Kinta-feira, 28 Fevereiru 2013 

Reprezetante espesial husi Sekretariu Jeral Nasoens Unidas iha Guine Bissau, Jose Manuel Ramos Horta, ohin (28/2) aprezenta ideia hodi rezolve prizi iha Gune-Bissau, ba xefi Estadu Nasaun Afrika Osidental. 

Tuir orariu iha loron 27 to’o loron 28 fevereiru, Horta sei hola parte iha simeira Xefi Estadu husi Afrika Osidental (CEDEAO) iha Yamoussoukro (Kosta de Martim), tanba simu konvite husi Prezidenti Nigeria. 

Iha loron segunda-feira liu ba, Horta hasoru malu ho Prezidenti Nigeria, iha Abuja, hodi kolabora hamutuk ho CEDEAO, no sai parseiru iha organizasaun internasional sira seluk, hanesan Uniaun Afrikana, komunidade husi Nasaun Lian Portugues (CPLP) no Uniaun Europeia para ajuda estabelese fali paz iha Guine Bissau. 

Tuir komunikadu husi Gabinete Integradu Nasoens Unidas ba konsolidasaun paz iha Guine-Bissau (UNIOGBIS), Jonathan Konvida Horta hodi hola parte iha simeira ordinaria CEDEAO nian, ne’ebe halao tiha orseik no ohin iha kosta de Marfim, simeira refere sei deskute kona ba problema entre Guine-Bissau no Mali. 

Tuir inprensa ne’ebe Timor Post asesu, Goodluck Jonathan hateten ba Horta katak, envolvimentu husi Nigeria relasiona ho rezolusaun ba krizi iha Guine-Bissau, hetan atensaun husi CEDEAO no ONU. 

“Ami kompremete atu rezolve krizi refere, tanba ne’e mak ami sei servisu hamutuk ho imi, inklui hetan atensaun husi CEDEAO atu nune’e bele estabelese hikas fali paz no demokrasia iha Guine-Bissau,” tenki Prezidenti Nigeria ba Horta. 

Eis Prezidenti Timor Leste, Horta iha Guine Bissau durante loron 13 no haksumek kna’ar nu’udar xefi UNIOGBIS.

“Uza Reben Kona Multa U$30”


Jornal Timor Post - Kinta-feira, 28 Fevereiru 2013

Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) liu husi Unidade Polisia Tranzito, tuir planu sei halo koordenasaun ho Diresaun nasional Transporte Terestre (DNTT) hodi halo operasaun konjunta no fo multa U$30 ba transporte publiku, liuliu taxi no Mikrolet ne’ebe mak uza reben metan.

“Iha tempu besik ami sei koordena ho DNTT, para halo check point ba kareta reben metan sira,” hateten komandante Tranzito nasional Indpektor, Xefi, Antonio L.C.

Soares iha Kuartel Jeral PNTL, Caicoli, Dili, Kuarta (27/2). Antonio hateten, planu ne’e halo tanba iha ezizensia husi komunidade sira konaba transporte publiku hanesan taxi no Mikrolet ne’ebe sempre uza reben metan hodi tula pasazeirus la halai tuir fatin ou hamosu fali violensia ou buat seluk tan, multa ne’e aplika tuir lei diploma ministerial nian ne’ebe hasai ona iha tinan kotuk.

Nia haktuir, iha operasaun ne’e Polisia sei prende no les hotu reben iha kareta lolon, no kundutor sei ba selu multa U$30 Dollar iha DNTT hafoin ne’e maka bele ba foti fali sira nia kareta hodi kontinua halai.

Operasaun ne’e laos deit ba kareta taxi no mikrolet sira ne’ebe mak uza reben metan, maibe halo mos ba kareta sira neebe mak dokumentu ou karta lisensa operasaun mate ona tenki selu multa hotu, nia dehan, ida ne’e halo atu ema hotu bele kumrpri tuir lei ne’ebe mak iha.

Sergio Lobo Hatun Despaisu “Pesoal Saude Labele Fo Informasaun Ba Media”

Sérgio Lobo
Jornal Nacional Diario - Kinta-feira, 28 Fevereiru 2013 

Iha loron 22 Fevereiru 2013, Ministru Saude Sergio Lobo, hatun ona karta despaisu ida ba Hospital Nasional Guido Valadares (HNGV) hodi bandu pesoal saude sira fo informasaun no dadus ba publiku no media. 

Iha depaisu ne’e, Ministru Sergio Lobo, fo deit kompetensia ba Diretor Jeral HNGV, Administrador, Director Klinika, no Direktor Informazen mak bele fo informasaun ba media, maibe, naran pesoal ida ne’ebe hala’o knaar iha HNGV la bele fo informasaun no dadus kona ba situasaun iha HNGV ba media. 

Fontes importante iha HNGV informa ba Jornal Nasiona Diario, kuarta (27/2) katak, sira simu ona despaisu husi Ministru saude Sergio Lobo, atu labele fo informasaun no dadus saida deit ba media. 

“Se wainhira pesoal saude sira ne’ebe mak melangar hodi fo informasaun no intervista ho jornalista sei hetan sensaun displinar,” informa fontes ne’e. 

Mericio Akara: “Kompania Mac’s Metal Graft La Selu Taxa Ba Estadu, LH Konsidera Emilia Komete Erru Bot”


Jornal Independente - Kinta-feira, 28 Fevereiru 2013 

Diretor Luta Hamutuk (LH) Mericio Akara husu atu Komisaun Anti Korupsaun (KAK) tenki hala’o investigasaun ona ba parte Diresaun Nasional Reseitas Impostu nian hodi buka hatene lolos faktus kona ba kompania ne’ebe deit mak la selu taxa ba estadu. 

“Ami sujere, loloos KAK, Polisia investigasaun no Prokurador tenki pro-ativu iha oras 24 nia laran tenki bah usu informasaun husi ita nia parte impostu sira,” nia dehan. 

Akara dehan, se kazu Mac’s Metal Graft, Ptv, Ltd la selu taxa, ne’e sai nu’udar evidensia forte katak, Ministra Emilia komete iha erru bot ida. “Se nia la selu taxa, ne’e evidensia forte tan, katak ita nia Ministra Emilia komete duni erru bot ida no dezastre ba ita nia orsamentu Jeral Estadu,” tenik nia. 

Kazu ne’e, nuudar dezastre, tanba Ministra Emilia ne’ebe jere osan estadu hahu la tuir regras aprovizionamentu no lei ne’ebe sira halo no eziji hodi implementa. 

Nia konsidera kazu ne’e nuudar konflitu interese ne’ebe viola lei hodi fo projeitu ba kompania ne’ebe la klaru no la registu iha impostu Timor Leste. 

Husi Luta Hamutuk nia Oklu haree katak, Lolos Emilia Pires mos tenki rejigna an ona husi nia kargu hodi labele koalia ona iha inkontru G7+, tanba Emilia komete iha kazu ida no bele hamoe imazen estadu Timor Leste hodi koalia kona ba trasnparansia. 

Entertantu, bainhira Jornal ne’e konfirma ba Vice Primeiru Ministru Fernando La sama de Araujo kona ba problema ne’e, La sama promete sei haruka nia asesor juridiku atu ba rekoila informasaun iha parte impostu nian hodi klarifika lolos. 

“Kona ba se kompania ne’e la selu taxa, hau seidauk hatene informasaun lolos, maibe hau sei haruka hau nia asesor sira bah usu tok informasaun iha neba (inpostu) los ka lae?, dehan La Sama bainhira jornalista konfima kazu ne’e foin lalais. 

La Sama dehan, kompania se deit mak tama iha Timor Leste, maske nia edifisiu iha estranjeiru tenki selu taxa ba estadu tuir lei impostu nian. 

Festa Tua Lapen “Estudante Timor Oan 1 Mate, 11 Tama Hospital Yogyakarta”


Jornal Nacional Diario - Kinta-feira, 28 Fevereiru 2013 

Estudante Timor-Leste (TL) ne’ebe mak oras ne’e hala’o estudu iha Universidade Intermediate Medical Mare (IMC) Yogyakarta, Indonesia, nain 1 mate no nain 11 seluk baixa iha Hospital Bethesda, tanba konsume tua Lapen (Tua ne’ebe mak kahor ona ho baygon, Rinso, no buat seluk tan). 

Tuir informasaun ne’ebe JNDiario hetan husi Jogja Post, kuarta (27/2), katak, estudante Timor oan nain ida mate no nain 11 tama Hospital tanba konsume lapen, iha festa despedida sira nia kolega ida halo, graduasaun iha Miras, Jogja, sesta (23/2) kalan. Estudante nain ida ne’ebe mate mak, Arlindo dos Santos, nates mate hetan duni tratamentu saude intensivu iha fatin intermediate Medical Care Hospital Bethesda iha sabadu kalan (24/2) oras Yogyakarta, Indoensia, maibe la konsege salva. 

Tuir informasaun, lolos ne’e estudante neebe mak sai ona vitima ba konsume tua lapen ne’e sira hitu halo tratamentu iha IMC Hospital Betehsda, maibe nain 8 lakohi husu atu halo tratamentu deit iha liur ka hospital seluk. 

Tuir Prudencia Ribeiro neebe sai vitima ba Tua Lapen ne’e hateten, iha festa ne’ebe sira halo laiha hanoin a’at atu oho malu liu husi tua tanba sira hemu hamutuk tiha ona iha tempu barak laiha tragedia. 

“Ba fali iha festa Miras, sira rame-rame ba sosa Lapen, primeiru sira sosa lapen botir 4, ema nian 5 mak hemu ho ami nia kolega ida ne’ebe mate ne’e sosa tan Lapen Botir 4 mak ami hemu hamutuk,” dehan Riberio. 

Ribeiro hatutan katak, laiha indikasaun ida ho tua Lapen, tanba baibain toman tiha ona ho Lapen nia morin, maibe dala ida nee sira senti la hanesan ho baibain, sira hemu hotu tiha Lapen senti isin moras hotu, la hanesan baibain, sira kuandu hemu hotu dader hader mai isin kama’an hotu. 

Ribeiro haktuir, Timor oan Arlindo ne’ebe fila hikas ba aman maromak nia Kaduna santo ka mate ona ne’e iha lorn Domingu (24/2). 

“Lere Konsidera Situasaun Rai Laran La Normal”


Jornal Independente - Kinta-feira, 28 Fevereiru 2013 

Komandante F-FDTL, Maijor jeneral Lere Anan Timur analiza situasaun rai laran, oras ne’e lao la dun diak ona, tanba grupu organizadu komesa oho malu iha fatin barak. 

Lere deklara kestaun ne’e, kuarta horseik hafoin halo enkontru regular ho Prezidenti Republika, iha palacio Prezidenti Aitarak-laran, dili. Iha inkontru regular ne’e, Komandante Lere informa kona ba situasaun rai laran no situasaun forsas armadas ninian. 

“Ita bele hateten, kuandu iha problema mak nasaun ne’e bele la lao ba oin, nunka nasaun neebe hakmatek hela ne’e hau la dun fiar,” hateten Lere. 

“Hau hanoin katak, ita iha Polisia, iha forsa para kontrola situasaun, kontrola tuir Polisia ninian, tuir forsa ninian ita servisu ho lei,” dehan Lere. 

Nune’e, nia sujere atu eduka joven sira hodi bele hadomi sira nia rain rasik no iha nasionalismu ba nasaun. 

Nia dehan, to’o ona tempu hapara violensia atu tenki iha hanoin diak hodi dezenvolve nasaun ne’e ba futuru. Foin lalais, joven ida mate tanba sona husi gupus (ema nain 5), iha Aitarak laran, aleinde ne’e mos grupu artimarsiais oho malu iha Sama-lete, Distritu Ermera ne’ebe rezulta ema nain 4 mate, no mos akontese oho malu iha fatin seluk tan. 

 Ba akontesementu hirak ne’e, Maijen Lere husu ba Timor oan hotu atu fo liman ba malu hodi kontribui ba paz no estabilidade.

“Kompania Mac’s Metalcraft La Selu Taxa Ba Estadu”


Jornal Independente - Kinta-feira, 28 Fevereiru 2013 

Ministra Financas Emilia Pires deskonfiadu sala utiliza nia poder nuudar membru Governu ida hodi aprova orsamentu ba kompania Mac’s Metalcraft, ne’ebe identifika seidauk ezizte iha Timor Leste (illegal). 

Tuir lista kompania Internasional ne’ebe Diario Independente ne’e asesu iha Ministeriu Finansas, naran kompania Mac’s Metalcraft na’in husi Ministra Emilia nia kaben Warren Macleod seidauk registu numeru TIN, sertidaun dividas no estatutu iha sistema SIGTAS (Integrate Government Tax Administration System), iha dirasaun Nasional impostu Domestika. 

Tuir fontes konfirmadu iha Ministeriu Finansas informa katak, Diresaun Nasional Impostu Domestiku (diresaun ne’ebe halo registu no fo lisensa kompania nasional no internasional) buka ona lista kompania ne’e iha sistema SIGTAS, maibe seidauk registradu. 

“Iha sistema SIGTAS ne’e mai cek dadus ba kompania sira ne’ebe registu, so kompania Mac’s Metalcraft, PTV, Ltd mak la registu no illegal hela no la selu taxa to’o agora,” informa fontes konfirmadu importante ida ba jornal INDEPENDENTE iha salaun Ministeriu Finansas foin lalais ne’e. 

Nia dehan, lolos antes kompania internasional hetan projeitu tenke prense rekijitus katak, tenki ba rejistu iha impostu, iha estadu, lisensa negosiu, paraquem, depois iha numeru TIN kompania nian maka foin bele tuir tender hodi selu impostu tuir rendimentu. 

Tuir lei artigu no 8/2008 koalia kona ba lei tributaria katak, se deit mak la selu impostu sei halakon reseita estadu nian. “Agora nia hetan projeitu, maibe la selu impostu ba Estadu Timor-Leste, ida ne’e halo nasaun lakon ona reseita, tanba lolos kompania ne’e selu taxa 10% ka 15% tuir orsamentu ka rendimentu kompania nian,” tenki fontes importante iha Ministeriu Finansas ne’e. 

Hatan, karik iha saun ruma ba kompania illegal kuandu la selu taxa ba estadu, fontes ne’e dehan, sansaun sempre iha, maibe parte kompotente mak tenki brani atu hasai karta no fo sansaun tuir impostu. 

 “Ne’e illegal, tanba ema sira ne’ebe fo projeitu atu liu tender ka la liu , sira tenke hatene lei no criteria impostu nian,” nia esplika. 

Funsionariu ne’e rekonese katak, iha kompania internasional no nasional barak mak registu iha sistema SIGTAS, so uniku kompania Mac’s Metalcraft, Pty, Ltd maka la rejistu iha impostu hodi halo, parte impostu mos duvida. 

“Ita haree ita nia emprezariu kiik sira kuandu tuir tender nomor tin no divida sal sira aut kedas, mais ita haree ba kazu ne’e nuudar politikus abuju de poder, fo projeitu ba kompania illegal no la kontribui atu selu taxa ba estadu Timor,” tenki nia. 

 Nia dehan, se kompania Mac’s Metalcraft, Ptv, Ltd dala ruma hetan tan projeitu governu nuudar sigle source mos tenki iha lisensa no selu taxa ba estadu tuir lei hateten. 

Deputadu Osorio Florindo: “Governu Diskrimina Martires Nia Oan”


Jornal Timor Post - Kuarta-feira, 27 Fevereiru 2013 

Deputadu Parlamentu Nasional Bancada FRETILIN, Osorio Florindo hateten, Estadu kontinua halo diskriminasaun ba programa Bolsa Estudu ne’ebe oferese ba Martires ninia oan, tuir Osorio, diskriminasaun ne’e mosu tanba inkapasidade governu hodi interpreta lei. 

“Agora governu hasai tan dekreitu ida ne’ebe la kondis ho situasaun real ne’ebe iha fo impaktu ba Martires nia oan labele hetan diretu ba Bolsa estudu, sira laiha kapasidade interpreta lei fo impaktu ba Martires nia oan sira maka sai vitima,” hatete Osorio Forindo iha PN, Tersa (26/2). 

Osorio hateten, interpretasaun ba lei bolsa estudu ba Martires nia oan ema interpereta sala katak, Martires nia oan sira mos tenki ba eskola, haree ninia valor diak mak governu foin tau matan, ida ne’e la los. 

Osorio hatutan katak, iha intrepretasaun lei ne’ebe sala, tanba iha Martires nia oan ne’ebe kondisaun la hanesan ho sira seluk atu ba tan eskola hodi hetan valor diak hanesan mos sira seluk. 

Tanba ne’e, deputadu Osorio husu ba governu atu tenki fo fatin espesial ba Martires sia oan sira atu hetan bolsa estudu. 

Nia hateten, maske nia rasik laiha dadus kona-ba martires nia oan nain hira mak hetan bolsa estudu maibe iha tinan lima kotuk ne’e Ministeriu relata katak, la to’o ema 20 maka hetan Bolsa estudu. 

Iha fatin hanesan, Prezidenti komisaun F, ne’ebe trata asuntu edkuasaun, Virgilio Hornai hatete, komisaun F seidauk simu informasaun kona-ba Martires nia oan hira mka hetan bolsa estudu iha tinan 2013, nia mos konkorda katak, labele interpreta sala lei bolsa estudu ba martire nia oan.

quarta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2013

“SEOP La Konkorda Kansela Orsamentu Auto Estrada”


Jornal Timor Post - Kuarta-feira, 27 Fevereiru 2013 

Sekretariu Estadu Obras Publiku (SEOP) la konkorda rekomendasaun ONG Luta Hamutuk (LH) ba Prezidenti Republika atu kansela orsamentu projeitu auto-estrada iha Kosta Soul. 

Tanba, tuir ONG Luta Hamutuk orsamentu ba atu halo projeitu auto estrada ladun nesesisariu, nune’e tenki aloka fali ba item saude, edukasaun, infraestrutura hodi rezolve problema bee mos no estrada. Hatan ba kestaun ne’e, SEOP, Luis Braz Rodrigues hateten, labele kansela tanba ita kuandu koalia orsamentu ne’e atu lalika aloka ba iha ne’ebe, signifika, ita lakohi dezenvolvimentu. 

“Se ita hakarak dezenvolvimentu, ita tenki harii buat ne’ebe ba faze jerasaun tuir mai sira atu halo, portantu jerasaun agora ne’e tenta ho programa, planu estratejia atu harii buat hotu-hotu,” dehan SEOP Luis iha nia knaar fatin, Mandarin (26/2). 

Nia hatutan, desizaun kona ba importansia ka la importansia, ita haree husi Kosta Soul, hanesan zona ida ne’ebe mak potensial tebetebes, ne’e mak agora dadaun ita atu harii Suppy baze, aeroportu no auto estrada, nune’e atu bele atrai nasaun sira seluk. 

Projeitu auto estrada ne’e rasik sei involve trabalador Timor oan kuaze 50 mil, dala ruma mos ita nia trabaldaor atu servisu iha projeitu ne’e mos sei falta tan. 

Konkorensia ba Aeroportu suai iha pakote ida ho projeitu auto-estrada nian, agora komesa hahu ona, portantu konkorensia ne’e kompania internasional maka bele tuir tanba projeitu ne’e ninia valor internasional. 

Se kompania lokal sir abele joint venture ho kompania internasional sira ba mega projeitu boot hanesan ne’e, sira nia reputasaun ba futuru sei diak liu tan, ne’ebe apela ba kompania sira, se bele agora kedas buka oinsa bele hamutuk ho kompania internasional sira atu bele priense rekijitus ba tender ida ne’e.

Organizasaun Politiku, CPD Rekoinese Aan Seidauk Rejistu, Ivo: Lasimu Prejensa Lori Ba Tribunal


SUARA TIMOR LOROSAE - Kuarta, 27 Fevereiru 2013 

DILI-Organizasaun Konseilu Popular Demokratiku CPD-RDTL nebe hanesan organizasaun Politika iha Nasaun Timor Leste, nebe halao aktividade to’os ho Natar iha Welaluhu, Distritu Manufahi, to’o oras ne’e Seidauk Rejistu Iha Ministeriu Justisa no Institusaun nebe mak relevante.

Informasaun ne’e fo sai husi Prezidente OPTT, CPD RDTL Ivo De Jesus Siquera katak CPD RDTL halao ninia aktividade Iha Fatuberiliu, antes ne’e intelektual liu-liu estudante Universidade sira balun fo apoiu maibe agora seluk fali diak liu lori ba tribunal.

“ Ami hakarak hatete se lasimu nia prezensa iha welauhu se lasimu ami nia prezensa diak liu maluk sira lori ba iha tribunal, maibe prezisa hatene mos lia fuan ulun boot nian balun nebe hatete fatin welaluhu atu loke ba komarka,” dehan Ivo ba STL Kuarta (27/02) iha Delta Comoro.

Relasaun ho lian ulun boot nian balun nebe mak atu loke komarka iha Welaluhu tuir Ivo Katak kuandu atu loke komarka diak liu hamutuk ho CPD sira hodi halao servisu hamutuk maibe grupu balun mak sempre halo reasaun hasoru CPD mas Komonidade iha Welaluhu diak hela.. Timotio Gusmão 

PN Husu Governu Atu Redus Ema Estranjeiru Halo Negosiu Iha TL


SUARA TIMOR LOROSAE - Kuarta, 27 Fevereiru 2013 

DILI-Reprejentante povu iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN) husu ba V governu konstituisional, atu redus numeru estranjeiru nebe’e maka tama sai hodi halao vida negosiu iha Timor Leste (TL). 

Kestaun ne’e hato’o husi deputadu bankada CNRT Antonio Ximenes ba STL iha uma Fukun PN, katak be estranjeiru sira nebe hakarak halao vida negosiu tenki iha lisensa servisu, labele sira nebe mai visita mos halao fali negosiu iha rai laran. 

“Hau nia hanoin ne’e tuir lolos ne’e labele, bainhira bele maibe ema nebe’e hanesan husu lisensa ho ita nia governu maka bele mai, maibe atu mai iliegal hodi domina ita fali ne’e labele ida ne’e hanesan okupa ita nia populasaun sira nia vida moris, tanba ita ukun laos ema hotu-hotu servisu iha funsionariu, realidade povu barak hetan osan liu husi vida negosiu, tanba ne’e nia husu governu para atu redus ema estranjeirus sira ne’e, ida ne’e maka hau nia hanoin,” hateten deputadu Antonio ba STL iha uma fukun PN, Kuarta (27/02). 

Deputada bankada FRETILIN Angelica da Costa hateten, ema estranjeiru halo vida negosiu iha Timor, Nasaun TL hanesan Nasaun Demokratiku, nebe’e bele simu deit ema kualker husi Nasaun nebe’e deit. Jasinta Sequeira 

PR de Timor-Leste e MNE de São Tomé discutem situação na Guiné-Bissau


Díli, 27 fev (Lusa) - O Presidente de Timor-Leste, Taur Matan Ruak, recebeu hoje a chefe da diplomacia de São Tomé e Príncipe, Natália Neto, para discutir a situação na Guiné-Bissau e as relações entre os dois países.

A ministra dos Negócios Estrangeiros de São Tomé e Príncipe deslocou-se a Díli para participar na conferência para o desenvolvimento depois de 2015 e no encontro entre a União Europeia, os Países de Língua Oficial Portuguesa e Timor-Leste, que decorre na quinta-feira.

"Estivemos a conversar e a equacionar qual era a melhor maneira de ajudar a Guiné-Bissau a sair da crise. Foi um dos assuntos que nós abordamos. A outra questão foi as relações entre os nossos países", afirmou aos jornalistas no final do encontro a ministra são-tomense.

A Guiné-Bissau está a ser administrada por um Governo de transição, apoiado pela Comunidade dos Estados da África Ocidental, desde o golpe militar de 12 de abril do ano passado.

A maior parte da comunidade internacional, incluindo a Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa, não reconhece as novas autoridades de Bissau.

Natália Neto disse também que entregou uma carta do Presidente de São Tomé e Príncipe, Manuel Pinto da Costa, ao chefe de Estado timorense.

Durante o encontrou, Taur Matan Ruak manifestou disponibilidade para visitar São Tomé e para receber o seu homólogo são-tomense, afirmou a ministra.



Governu Tenki Hola Medidas Rigrozu Ba Artemarsiais


SUARA TIMOR LOROSAE - Kuarta, 27 Fevereiru 2013 

DILI- Governu tenki hola medidas rigrozu, ba artemarsiais nebee gosta destroe ka halo krimi iha sosiadade nia leet. 

Preokupasaun ne’e hato’o husi Primeira Vice CNJTL Maria Dadi Soares Magno ba STL, iha nia knar fatin, Farol katak sira triste tebes wainhira hare joventude involve aan iha Artemarsiais hodi halo krimi iha fatin-fatin. 

“Maibee ida nee hau hanoin fila fali ba karakter joventude ida-idak nia, hare liu ba prspektiva artemarsiais nia, ida nee hau hanoin laos suptansia no fatin ida hodi halo violensia ba malu, maibee fatin ida atu aprende hodi defende aan no hatudu talentu sira nia,” hateten Maria Dadi. 

Antes nee Prezidenti Komisaun B Parlamentu Nasional (PN) deputada Maria Lurdes Bessa hateten hanesan reprejentante povu sira lamenta tebes ho asaun krime nebe akontese iha rai laran. Joao Anibal

Hamenus Korrupsaun, Tinan 5 Mai Opozisaun Sei Kontrolu Ejekusaun Orsamentu


SUARA TIMOR LOROSAE - Kuarta, 27 Fevereiru 2013 

DILI- Atu hamenus numeru korrupsaun iha rai laran, iha tinan lima mai bankada Opozisaun FRETILIN iha uma fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN) sei halo kontrolu maximu ba ejekusaun orsamentu jeral ba iha membru governu sira. 

“Tinan lima mai FRETILIN nia knar hanesan Opozisaun atu kontrolu, laos sai Opozisaun deit maibe tanba deputadu nudar lei haruka hanesan fiskalizador, ami halao nafatin ami nia knar atu fiskaliza ejekusaun orsamentu ida ne’e,” dehan deputadu bankada FRETILIN Aurelio Freitas ba STL iha uma fukun PN Kuarta (27/02). 

Deputadu ne’e hateten, Ema hotu hatene foin lalais aprova orsamentu ho votus maioria afavor, tanba FRETILIN hotu kontribui, FRETILIN hatene katak, orsamentu nebe’e iha tinan kotuk AMP halo, barak maka la ejekuta ho lolos. 

Deputada bankada PD Jasinta Perreira hateten, OJE aprova ona, maibe PN iha knar sei ba halo fiskalizasaun iha distritu, hodi nune’e bele hare preokupasaun komunidade sira nian, no governu implementa duni ka lae. Jasinta Sequeira 

“JSMP Gava Ana Pessoa”


Jornal Nacional Diario - Kuarta-feira, 27 Fevereiru 2013 

Organizasaun Naun Govermental (ONG) Judisial Sistem Monitorin Programa (JSMP) gava servisu Procurador Jeral da Republika (PJR) Ana Pessoa Pinto halo mudansa signifikan iha Ministeriu Publiku nia laran. 

Direktur JSMP Luis de Oliveira Sampaio hateten, mandatu ba PJR Ana Pessoa Pinto sei remata iha tinan ida ne’e nia laran, tanba ne’e atu kontinua ka la’e depende ba desizaun Prezidenti da Republika, maibe faktu hatudu katak durante Ana Pessoa Pinto nia mandatu, hatudu duni mudansa signifikan. 

“Mudansa ba asuntu administrasaun, hasa’e kualidade advogadu,” Luis de Oliveira Sampaio informa ba JNDiario, segunda (25/2) iha nia servisu fatin Kolmera, Dili. 

Tuir Luis de Oliveira Sampaio, mudansa ne’ebe mak durante Ana Pessoa Pinto hatudu nunka akontese antes Ana Pessoa assume pasta PJR. Director exekutivo JSP ne’e konta katak, durante ne’e JSMP nia haree, Ana Pessoa Pinto, hala’o ninia kna’ar ho didikadu teb-tebes iha nia servisu inklui hala’o nia kna’ar ho professional tebtebes, mesmu Ana Pessoa Pinto becgroung ema politiku. 

Aleinde servisu ho didikadu no profesionalismu, Ana Pessoa mos hala’o relasaun ne’ebe diak ho entidades hotu-hotu, hanesan sosiedade sivil, media no seluk tan. Haree ba prestasaun Servisu PJR Ana Pessoa Pinto nian, JSMP optimista katak iha mandatu foun, se Ana Pessoa Pinto la eleitu hikas mos, nia (Ana Pessoa-red) kuda ona bazet balun iha instituisaun Ministeriu Publiku nian, nune’e bainhira nia mandatu hotu, iha ona ema barak ne’ebe aprende ona buat barak, nune’e iha ona ema hodi troka nia pozisaun. 

Iha futuru mai PJR foun tenki mai husi ema kareira professional husi Ministeriu publiku laos ona ema politiku, tanba iha tinan 2010 Parlamentu Nasional altera ona lei kona ba requizito sai PJR. PJR Ana Pessoa Pinto antes sai PJR aktivo iha vida Politika, iha Partidu FRETILIN, hafoin ne’e hetan fiar husi eis Prezidenti da Republika Jose Ramos Horta, hodi sai PJR iha tinan 2008. 

“Simeria Mundial 2013, PM Xanana Hato’o Diskursu Ba Paz No Estabilidade”


Notisia Husi TVTL - Tersa-Kalan, 26 Fevereiru 2013 

Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao hato’o deskursu iha Primeiru dia ba Simeria mundial 2013 kona ba paz, seguransa no dezenvolvimentu humanu, Timor Leste hetan konvite espesial ba eventu mundial ne’e. 

Perante husi nasaun 84 resin ne’ebe partisipa iha simeria mundial kona ba paz, seguransa no dezenvolvimentu humanu, Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao iha primeiru dia abertura ba simeria ne’e hato’o kedas diskursu neebe ho durasaun kuaze minutu 10. 

Liu husi diskursu ne’e mos Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao felisita Prezidenti eleita Republika Korea no mos kongratula ba pas no universal ne’ebe orgamiza simeria mundial ne’e hodi haburas paz, estabilidade no dezenvolvimentu humanu. 

Iha diskursu ida ne’e, Primeiru Ministru mos hato’o ba partisipantes kona ba dezenvolvimentu iha nasaun Joven Timor Leste. 

Aliende partisipa iha simeria, Primeiru Ministru mos halo enkontru ho entidades importante husi nasoens sira seluk.

Finance Minister "Trips" Over HNGV Beds


Tempo Semanal - Wednesday, 27 February 2013

In recent times the finance minister (M F) Emilia Pires has tried to keep her distance from the media. The only statements she has made in response to journalists trying to interview her are "no comment" or "sorry". Why?

Wednesday, 6 February 2013, the debate on the General Budget Of The State for 2013 became heated. During this Finance Minister Emilia Pires angrily condemned the Timor-Leste media.

"Many times, our media is still lacking in ability to properly undertake investigative journalism. The media likes to manipulate things. Just to bring people down. Carelessly. Writing falsehoods. Writing other things. I tell them sorry," the finance minister yelled angrily.

At that time a number of journalists were at the national parliament covering the debate could only stare at each other in amazement. Others put on an innocent face. "Why did the finance minister scream at the media? Who in the media? She should not make generalizations about the media," protested Francisco Simoes, a journalist from the Diario Nacional.

The day before, on Tuesday, 5 February 2013, during the plenary session deputy Aurelio Freitas from the FRETILIN opposition bench condemned the Finance Minister having given a government contract to Mr. Warren McLeod (the finance minister's husband). "Because it's easy money, everybody is madly running to become a supplier. Including (sorry to say) the ministers husband involving in procurement," Aurelio said.

During the same session deputy Osorio Florindo also strongly condemned the conduct of the Finance Minister. "I ask the members of government, especially the Finance Minister, what sort of ethics do you have to write an opinion to the Prime Minister to use the contingency fund money to award a government contract which went to your husband?" asked Florindo.


This problem began when the Ministry of Health indicated the company Mac' Metalcraft as the supplier for a bunch of bids to the Guido Valadares National Hospital. Documents obtained by Tempo Semanal showed that it was a single source government contract paid from the contingency fund of the government in the amount of US$895,140. It also showed the director of the company in question being the husband of the Finance Minister.

The irony was in the fact that the supply of the hospital beds was done without the knowledge of the director general of the Guido Valadares national Hospital. "We had no knowledge of the process to buy these beds. I had no knowledge of it," said Odette in her office.

On 21 March 2012, according to Odette, as the director general of the HNGV she had merely written a requisition letter number ref. 130/Adm/HNGV/III/2012 to the former deputy minister of health Madalena Hanjan. This letter asked for the procurement of equipment needed by the hemodialysis unit of the HNGV. No request was made for the equipment that was supplied by Mac's Metalcraft.

Another irony emerged when the list attached to the letter (see list below), of urgent equipment requested by the director-general of HNGV, were listed together with a list of other items that were supplied by the company Mac's Metalcraft. "The equipment we requested as urgent has arrived and has already been used by us. They were 2 hemodialysis units with their beds," said Dr. Odette.

What about the electric beds supplied by the company Mac's Metalcraft? "To this day many of those items of equipment we are yet to use or distribute to other national hospitals or referral hospitals. They are stored in the HNGV store room, awaiting the dispatch from the Minister of health," the head of the Medical Equipment Management Department, Abilio Afonso Brites told Tempo Semanal.

SUSPICION. There are some aspects that are not right about the process for the supply of the beds to the HNGV, because some servants of the state used the letter of requisition from the director general of the HNGV to justify additional budget funds, which had already been prepared in February 2012.


The controversy of the suspected single source of a government project by the Finance Minister to her husband has aroused a great deal of public debate and statements from civil society and the media.

"If this information is true, CAC and the Office Of the Public Prosecutor must investigate. If this is really the truth, then it is an extremely grave issue. The Finance Minister approving funds to benefit her own husband, that would be big corruption, if it is true," said the former Prime Minister Mari Alkatiri.

The executive director of FONGTIL, Arsenio Pereira da Silva has said that civil society and the media have an important role to play in exercising civic oversight over state matters and public assets. Especially regarding the national budget, because this is the people's money.

José Neves from the Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) acknowledged that this single source government contract could not be classified as an emergency. He suspects there has been a conspiracy or conflict of interest involving this supply mechanism of the HNGV equipment.

"The equipment that was supplied by the company Mac's Metalcraft does not fall within the category of emergency. They just simply made up this criteria," indicated the deputy commissioner of the Anticorruption Commission.

The quotation documents presented by Warren McLeod, director of the company Mac's Metalcraft, listed some items of equipment such as electric beds in the value of US$895,140, for the contract defined as an emergency.

He also suspected that, the supplied by of this great equipment was not properly in accordance with tender procedures as set out in the Procurement Law. "You can single source. However, before you enter that phase, you must undertake normal procedures. That is so as to avoid conflicts of interest. Acquiring these beds does not fall into the emergency category," said Neves.

Some documents show that the Finance Minister was personally aware of the proposal being from her husband's company to be the supplier of the beds that were determined to be in the emergency category.

These documents also show, that regarding this single source contract, the former deputy minister of health Madalena Hanjan wrote to Prime Minister Xanana, and also copied it to the Finance Minister. However, Emilia did not intervene, simply ignoring it enabling her husband to win the contract in question. "Whenever there is a failure to distinguish this conflict-of-interest, the law is breached, José Neves said.

Warren McLeod the director of the company Mac's Metalcraft told Tempo Seminal that he acknowledged his involvement in the procurement process for the HNGV equipment. "That's right. I supplied some material to the hospital. The contract fell within the category of an emergency," he said.

Warren McLeod submitted a written quotation to the Ministry of Health on 24 February 2012. It was submitted immediately after the Finance Minister approved the budget requested by the Deputy Minister of Health. "I have already been given contracts previously (before the emergency project)," Warren said.

The public condemnation of the Timor-Leste media by the Finance Minister aroused a strong reaction from the Timor-Leste Press Club (TL PC), as well as the Timor-Leste Journalists Association (A JTL). A press conference recently the Timor-Leste Media Association publicly declared their lament with the Finance Minister's conduct, which denigrated the Timor-Leste media in the National Parliament.

"The Finance Minister does have a right to respond to media reports that she feels adversely affected by. She should not just say no comment or sorry when confronted with the media. Specially not denigrate the credibility of the Timor-Leste media as the Finance Minister has done in front of the National Parliament," said the Tempo Semanal director José Belo.

Belo also asked the Finance Minister, "Does Madam Minister know? Who is the owner of the company Mac's Metalcraft? Perhaps Madam Minister knows who Warren MacLeod is? These are questions for you," said Belo.

Lere Anan Timur “Planu Sistema Militar Obrigatoriu Iha Universitariu-FP”


Jornal Nacional Diario - Kuarta-feira, 27 Fevereiru 2013 

Planu atu uza sistema militar obrigatoriu iha Universitariu ho Funsionariu Publiku (FP) tanba, Timor ne’e demokrasia barak liu displina laiha, hatene koalia mais lahatene responsavel ida ne’e problema boot ida. 

Lia hirak ne’e hato’o husi Prezidenti fundasaun UNITAL Lere Anan Timur, iha nis diskursu hanesan lia meno ba estudante sira, iha Kampus UNITAL, segunda (25/2) iha Becora, Dili. Nia hatete, planu uza sistema militar ba Universitariu no Funsionariu Publiku (FP) ba sira iha Timor laran tomak, iha programa ba sira hodi ba bizita ami nia baze sira, par abele hatene militar nia displina ne’e oinsa. 

“Hau planu atu uza sistema militar obrigatoriu iha Universitariu no Funsionariu Publiku sira iha Timor laran tomak, para sira bele hatene militar nia displina ne’e oinsa, tanba demokrasia barak liu displina laiha,” dehan Lere Anan Timur. 

Lere mos kestiaona, funsionariu barak mak servisu la tuir oras, tamba tuku 10 sai 11 oras, ou tama fali tuku 3 sai tuku 4 hanesan ne’e hela deit, se eskola ne’e mak hanesan iha Timor, sei la lao ba oin, tanba ami military ne’e kuandu atraza ami moe. 

Hanesan membru politiku sira, Xefi estadu, PM ba hein iha Ex-merkado lama, Ministru sira toba dukur hela iha uma. “Hau mak PM ohin hasai kedas sira ba uma, Ministru iha Timor ne’e barak laos sira deit, ami militar mos hanesan, hau mak tur iha odamatan taka ona, laiha ida mak sei lao ba lao mai,” hateten Lere. Lere haktuir liu tan katak, Timor ne’e laos boot mak hein fali ki’ik, maibe kiik mak hein boot, ida nee mak demokrasia no displina, nune’e ba imi joven sira hakarak eduka imi sai ema displinadu. 

Nune’e, sei iha resposta ida husi Reitor sira kona ba organunida ba imi, hanesan marka pasu no buat oi-oin konaba militar nian,” dehan Lere. 

“Imi sira iha ne’e tama hotu military, imi fiar katak, lae, tanba sei implementa military obrigatoriu dala ruma tinan seluk, dala ruma lae, imi entrope tiha estudu nune’e bele mai eskola fali, maibe imi military tiha ona, laos agora dadaun imi tur bilan hanesan rakyat,” dehan Lere ho hamnasa. 

“ME Bendito Prontu Rejigna An”


Jornal Independente - Kuarta-feira, 27 Fevereiru 2013 

Ministru Edukasaun (ME), Bendito Freitas promete sei lori edukasaun Timor Leste ba susesu. Nia dehan, karik la konsege lori edukasaun ba susesu mak nia ho vise nain tolu sei rejigna an husi kargu. 

“Hau ho Vise Ministru nain tolu ne’ebe ami nain hat, se ami nain hat mak la susesu, ami nain hat pronto atu husik ami nia servisu,” hateten bendito ba Jornalista sira iha Ministeriu Edukasaun, Tersa (26/2). 

Maibe Ministru Bendito rasik hakarak haree mos mudansa signifikativu iha asaun sira neebe halo iha Ministeriu Edukasaun nia laran no halo reflesaun no avaliasaun ba susesu ne’ebe signifikativu. “hau hanoin importante tebes ba ita hotu atu bele halo reflesaun no avaliasaun kona ba susesu,” dehan Ministru Edukasaun Bendito Freitas. 

“Ami nuudar membru governu servisu la diak, la presiza findu mandatu, se ami servisu la diak ami pronto atu troka ami no tau ema ne’ebe diak liu tan, ida ne’e normal,” dehan Bendito. 

Nia dehan, instituisaun iha governu iha responsavel ne’ebe servisu ladiak presiza troka ho ema seluk atu bele hatudu responsablidade ne’ebe sira seluk iha durante ne’e. Ministru Bendito hateten tan katak, Funsionariu ME hotu tenki servisu haka’as an, tanba ME sei servisu komesa iha aprovasaun orsamentu Jeral Estadu ba tinan 2013.

Prisioneira Lucia Moras Pulmao “Posiblidade Tratamentu Iha Estranjeiru”


Jornal Nacional Diario - Kuarta-feira, 27 Fevereiru 2013 

Prizioneira Lucia Maria Brandao Lobato, obrigadu tenki lori halai mai Hospital Nasional Guido valadares (HNGV), iha tersa (26/2) tanba deskonfia hetan sofre pulmao. 

Rajaun lori mai HNGV tanba hetan encaminhamentu (rujukan-red) husi Hospital Referal Ermera ne’ebe mak halo ona teste ba Lucia Lobato nia kondisaun iha kadeia Gleno. 

Iha HNGV obriga Prizioneira Lucia Lobato toba kalan ida hodi hetan tratamentu lori hein rejultadu analiza cek-up mediku nian. 

Nudar ema dadur, Lucia Lobato nia prezensa iha HNGV ho estatus moras, maibe nafatin hetan seguransa husi guarda Prizioneru Gleno no Becora. Maske nune’e, laos sai trsiteza ba prizioneira Lucia Lobato, tanba iha HNGV Lucia Lobato hetan akompanhamentu husi laen kaben, inklui familia tomak, durante prosesu cek-up medikamente. 

Tuir informasaun husi pesoal saude HNGV, Prizioneira Lucia Lobato nia moras hein rejultadu cek-up mediku nian, husi parte reisis, ran no seluk tan. 

Nune’e, Ministru Justica Deonisio Babo mos marka prezensa iha tempo ne’eba, no hata’an ba posiblidade prisioneira Lucia Lobato halo tratamentu iha estranjeiru bainhira hetan ona nia moras pozitivu, Deonisio Babo dehan, asuntu ne’e sensitivu tanba ne’e nia sei konsulta ho lei ho Ministeriu saude antes hola desizaun ruma, tanba prizioneira mos iha direitu atu hetan tratamentu igual. 

Iha momentu hanesan, Lucia Lobato mos rekonese moras ne’ebe nia hetan tanba efeita husi klima iha prizaun Gleno ne’ebe malirin wain, Lucia mos hatuta tan katak, desizaun fila hikas ba komarka Gleno ka lae? Depende ba desizaun HNGV. 