Jornal Timor Post - Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Thirteen Non Government
Organizations have threatened to mobilize a popular demonstration to stop the
Miss Timor beauty pageant, if the Ministry of Tourism, headed by Francisco
Kalbuady goes head with it.
In the meantime the member of
the Convention to Eradicate Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), Milena Pires
said that Miss Timor is not an integral part of the tourism development plan.
“ I am concerned with the
planned Miss Timor is not properly integrated into the Tourism development plan
itself, lest we will be putting out a message that is not positive instead, so
I think this is a question that has to be properly debated,” Milena told
journalists at the Presidential Palace, Monday 29 April last, when asked about
the Miss Timor event being proposed.
“I am concerned with this
planned event, because if we look at other countries, sex tourism has become
problematic, as we can see in our own region, this has become a big issue,”
Milena added.
She said, it is already known
what positives the Miss Timor event proposed by the Ministry of Tourism will
bring to the people.
Milena informed that in other
countries where this issue has been discussed and analyzed by the CEDAW
committee there is no specific report on Miss Timor or any other similar event,
but there has been debate about the possible impacts on women.
“I can say that in the reports
that the CEDAW committee has discussed regarding what has happened in other
countries the specific question of Miss Timor or Miss Universe or Miss whatever
has not been a specific issue, but what has been discussed is what impact or
what may be the consequence of bad or improperly implemented policies.
The NGOs who are against the
Miss Timor event include Pradet, FOKUPERS, Ajar, Hak, Alfela, Acbit, Lao
Hamutuk, GFFTL, Caucus, Hasatil, Haburas Foundation, Forum.
“If the Minister for Tourism
continues to be stubborn with pushing this Miss Timor event through, we will
mobilize people to demonstrate against it,” declared the spokesperson for the
Anti Miss Timor group Maria Jose Guterres at a press conference held at the
Fokupers office in Farol, Monday 29 April last.
According to her, “the current conditions in the country still do not
warrant such an event, more so to use state funds.”
Maria also said that the
organizations concerned who are defenders of womens rights have been brought
together in their anti Miss Timor campaign because they were taken by surprise
that such an event suddenly emerged.
“We are surprised because the
situation in Timor-Leste is one where there are many existing problems
affecting women’s rights, that deserve priority attention from the state of
Timor-Leste, such as increasing domestic violence, the economic hardship women
find themselves in as well as trafficking and exploitation of women,” Maria
Similarly Marciana Goncalves
as a Timorese woman is concerned with this Miss Timor event.
“As a Timorese woman I disagree
with this plan be the Ministry of Tourism, because of our current conditions,
because we think there are other tourism priorities as well, such as Tourism infrastructure
that remains abandoned,” Marciana said when interviewed by the Timor Post in
Suco Talitu, last Sunday 28 April.
According to her, the Ministry
of Tourism should give priority to Tourism capital projects.
“The question is this. Has the Tourism Ministry surveyed the various
potential tourism sites or not? This is one question, and because of this as a
woman I am against the Miss Timor event because it is still not time to think
about it,” Marciana commented.